Claudi Carreras Guillén is an indepent curator and editor, and a photography researcher at the University of Barcelona’s Department of Design and Image. In 2007 he published the book Conversaciones con fotógrafos mexicanos (Conversations with Mexican Photographers) for Gustavo Gili, Barcelona. He is also the author of the series “Autoretrato de America Latina” (“Latin American Self Portrait”), published in 2006 and 2007, in the magazine of Barcelona’s newspaper La Vanguardia.
Carreras-Guillén has curated numerous exhibitions: Cuba mía, Front3ra, Transnacional(es) and Estaciones, and most recently, Laberinto de miradas (Labyrinth of Gazes), a survey of documentary photography in Ibero-America, supported by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation and Development - AECID and Casa Amèrica Catalunya, which has been exhibited in 29 different cities in Latin America and Spain. In 2009 he curated Resiliencia (Resilience), sponsored by the Instituto Cervantes, and was awarded the “Premio del Público M2 El Mundo” for best PHotoEspaña exhibit of 2009. Resilience was shown in Madrid, Chicago, New York, New Delhi, Rome, Istanbul, Tetouan and Tangier.
Carreras was Director for the First Meeting of Latin American Photographic Collectives in Sao Paulo in 2008, and is also Director of E·CO, supported by the Ministry of Culture of Spain. This exhibition brought about a Conference of European and Latin American Photography Collectives. After having been shown in Spain and Brazil in 2011, the exhibition is now traveling to several U.S. cities, including Washington, DC and Chicago. Now are preparing the new edition of E.CO in São Paulo, Brazil. In 2014 was director of the third edition of the Latin-American Photography Collectives encounter in Santos, Brazil.
Presently was exhibitions’ curator on 8th and 9th, 10 th and 11 th edition of Paraty em Foco Festival (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Advisor and curator for the upcoming Latin American Photography Forum of Sao Paulo in 2015. Curator for Latin America in the next edition of the biennial Photoquai in 2015 (Musée du Quai Branly, Paris) and curator / editor review project LatinUs Photo Latino USA made for Spain USA Foundation in collaboration with the National Portrait U.S. and Smithsonian Latino. He is nominator for Latin America in World Press Photo Master Class.
Since the beginning of 2012 resides in Brazil coordinating the management of new projects in Madalena Studio, São Paulo, Brazil and many countries in Latin America. It’s one of the foundational directors in the Editora Madalena in São Paulo. And in this moment is the Director of public art in the Cultural Secretary of Quito, Ecuador.